A few months ago, I asked my Twitter PLN if anyone was doing an origami center. A few people said...
Origami Library Center, Part 2
As I mentioned in my Origami Library Center, Part 1 post, my students were obsessed with the Origami Center I set up this spring. I loved this center as well, not only because it was very engaging and allowed kids to be creative, but it also allowed students to help each other and be leaders. There were several second graders who turned out to be origami ninjas and took on leadership roles. They were go-to people in class when someone needed help. This was especially nice for me to see because they weren't always the students who shine academically.
This center also inspired students to do writing! This student asked if he could write his own instructions for an origami model to keep at the center:
And these students used origami as inspiration for free write poems:
One last connection I loved about this center was that students had been working on origami lizards in Art - cross-curriculum connections! These are the lizards during the art show:
And this is a student using what he learned in Art at the Origami Center in Library:
Love it!
Next year, I will definitely be continuing this center!