Teachers Pay Teachers is having their back to school sale August 4th-5th!
Library Management Tips: Out of the Room
Happy October! I hope you're enjoying autumn and having fun reading books about leaves, pumpkins, and apples! I have a few posts coming up with different management tools and tricks I've been trying this year. First up is my out of the room signs.
All of last year, I had a sign out board like this:
I never did this before but I saw something similar in my art teacher's room. It's such a great way to keep track of who is coming and going. Students must have permission from me before leaving and they write their name on the board on the way out the door. If there's a fire drill or someone is looking for a student, I know if they're out of the room or not.
I altered my system a little this year to incorporate other information:
I'm working on getting classroom teachers to fill in the "How many learners are here?" sign when they drop off their classes. If I know they aren't someone who will do that, I just ask as they're dropping off and fill it in myself. The theory behind it is the same as "who is out of the room?". I know how many kiddos are supposed to be with me and who is missing. I have a cup hanging underneath with dry erase markers and an eraser.
How do you keep track of who is coming and going from your library?