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Found Friday Library Centers

As I went to write this post, I realized my last one was still marked as "draft". Even though I had scheduled it to publish, I didn't actually click publish. I'm going to blame that on being on vacation last week! So, you get two Found Fridays this Friday!

This past school year, I was new to my school. My library program was quite different for the kids and I focused a lot on routines and being independent in the library. This year, I'd really like to focus on community and kindness in the library. I've been looking for ways to help all students feel like they are responsible for and part of OUR library as well as ways for people to show kindness to each other. Here are a few center ideas I'm playing around with for next year:

Book Selfies
Book Selfie Bulletin Board
I know my students would LOVE to be able to take any type of selfie using our iPads (I know because I have found a few on the camera rolls now and then...I know who isn't using technology appropriately when you take a SELFIE!). This would be such an easy set up...just a center sign and iPad or other camera and the book a student is reading or just checked out. I'd have to talk to my instructional technology teacher about how to post the pictures but I imagine if kids use the books to cover part of their face, we'd be able to post them. I think it would be fun for students to see what other kids are reading and it would be amazing to get teachers participating!

Fortune Cookies
With the crazy success of my origami center, this activity stuck out to me on Pinterest.
origami fortune cookie
There are so many things you could do with this activity! The two thoughts I had were book fortunes - find out the next book you should read. Kids can recommend books in the cookies they make. The other idea would be kindness cookies. Kids could write either general kind thoughts and hide cookies in the library or write specific notes thanking someone for something they did. I know my students will be excited to make these! The full instructions along with free printables are from Kind Over Matter.

Don't forget to check out Carolyn and Cari's Found Friday posts as well!