I have had a crazy week getting ready for our Dr. Seuss Birthday Bash, I haven't had time to post...
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I'm finally on Twitter: @mrslodge.
I haven't tweeted since grad school @simmonsgslis quite a few years ago. I don't think I knew how to use it effectively. Now I know a whole bunch of fantastic librarians who use Twitter to connect and share like @libraryreeder, @mkschoen, @MatthewWinner, @senoritao, @myschoollibrary, and @librarybrods. I even found a new library friend already - @WESMediaCenter (also check out her blog at Search. Discover. Share!). So, we will see how it goes!
PS - Feel free to leave me some tweeting advice...I'm a little overwhelmed at how much info can be shared in 140 characters or less!