I've Tweeted about this a few times already but washi tape is my absolute favorite new thing this...
What are we learning?
Happy New Year! I just got back from an amazing trip to Disney World with Mr. Lodge and am feeling refreshed for school tomorrow...although I wouldn't mind a snow day Friday! One of my resolutions is to get back in the habit of blogging, even if it's just small things going on in the library. I've been feeling like I don't have much to share because most of the year has been spent teaching routines, reviewing call numbers, library neighborhoods, and Destiny catalog.
One thing I meant to post about earlier in the year is my "What are we learning?" board. It fills an empty wall next to my Smartboard/Center Choices board. I made it out of construction paper in my grade level colors (I color coordinate everything so it's easier to keep track of 6 grade levels), borders, and dry erase sentence strips. Each week, I update the sentence strips with the learning objective for each grade level. For example: At the end of library, I will know how to do an author search in Destiny.
To be honest, I'm not sure the kids look at it that often anymore. It's next to our Smartboard where our agenda with the objective is posted at the beginning of each library class. However, I've seen parents, teachers, and administrators reading it over, which is also important because it shows all the things students are learning when they are in the library. There are also many meetings in the library - staff, library department, committees, PTO - so there are a lot of adults who see the board on a weekly basis.
Do you post your learning objectives in the library?