Book Pages
As a librarian, part of me is sad when books fall apart but on the other hand, I love a clean, well weeded library and don't have trouble parting with books are old, gross, or well-loved. While weeding my {old} library, I found many books that needed to go. Among them was this one:
Yup, literally falling apart. I have seen tons of fun ways to reuse old books and thought there must be something I can do with these book pages...bookmarks! I decided to use watercolors but I'm sure you could use other types of paint, markers, or stick pages in your printer.
First, I painted a bunch of pages with different designs (and of course forgot to take pictures of most of them before they were gifted so some lovely library friends and am left with the weirder ones):
Then, I laminated each sheet. I cut the page into whatever size bookmark was best. After making a bunch, I realized they would look more finished with rounded corners and busted out this neat scrapbooking tool:
The last thing I did was use a hole punch to make a hole at the top and attach a piece of ribbon:
One more: